Saturday, December 26, 2009

What Next

Well after the Marathon I was sooo looking forward to the P.F. Chang's that they were offering on the day of the race for those that had signed up at the expo. I was concerned that they would be gone or out by the time I finished. So I asked the people at the expo if they would be there for the people that finish in 4 + hours and they assured me that they would be there all day. So I finished the race and made it through the refueling/support area and went right to the P.F. Chang's tent - only to find them packing up for the day and turning everyone away. I don't know if they ran out of food or were only staying for part of the day. Regardless, P.F. Chang's is a big sponsor of the Rock and Roll Marathons and they should be prepared to serve all of the finishers of the marathon or not sponsor/participate at all. This was a big turn-off for me on P.F. Chang's.

Now that I have that off from my chest!!! What am I going to do next......

Julianne and Gina told me that they were planning on running the Austin Half Marathon on February 14th. So I figured what the heck I might as well give it a try as I have heard really good things about the Austin Marathon. In general Austin has a really good reputation for putting on good races and providing great race support. I have run the Capitol 10k, Austin 10K+ Adventure Race, and the 3M Half Marathon. I have not been disappointed by the support at the races. The only bad part about the Austin Marathon is that it has a reputation of a lot of hills.

I went ahead and signed up for the full marathon. I figured that I will try and incorporate a lot of hills into my training program. This should also help to keep me motivated and ensure that I continue with the long runs.

By the way I would like to give a big shoult out to Julianne and Gina for completing their first half marathon. They did great and had a lot of fun!!!!

May the Force be with YOU!!!


Saturday, December 12, 2009

San Antonio Rock and Roll Marathon - Race Report

After a fitful night of sleep I awoke about 4am to get ready for the marathon. I was meeting Julianne and Gina to ride together to the AT&T Center. We got to the AT&T Center without any problems and there were no lines for the shuttle. This is a big improvement over last year - although we arrived earlier this year than last year.

We made it to the starting line area and checked in our gear bags and got some bananas, bagels, and Cytomax. The weather was a lot different from last year. Last year it was really cold at the start of the marathon. This year it was pretty warm and would get warmer and more humid as the day would progress.

We wandered around until we found the USA Fit group that was supposed to be meeting for a warm up. I stretched and went for a short jog to get loosened up. Before long we were entering the corral, which began the long wait for us to cross the starting line. I had decided to start the race with Julianne and Gina so we were way back in corral #23. It took about 45 minutes before we were at the starting line (finally!!!). We were off on my second marathon and their first half marathon.

Gina, Julianne, and were running along and about 1 1/2 miles into the race Julianne and I look back to see how Gina was doing and she was gone. She was nowhere to be seen. Like good friends we kept running ;-) So Julianne and I continue on running together. There are lots of people running and the streets that we were running on were pretty full with runners. We were having to duck and dodge around the other runners as they were going slower than our pace. At about mile 4 Julianne let me know that she had to stop for a bathroom break. I was going to stop and use the facilities also, but the line was really long and I didn't have to go that bad. So like the good friend that I am I kept running ;-). Because the weather was warm and humid as I went throught the water stations I would get an extra cup of water and pour it over my head. After each of these water stations I felt soooo refreshed. Unfortunately the feeling did not last long.

A couple of days before the marathon I had pre-programed some text messages into my phone so that I could text to facebook, family, and friends as I ran the race. This worked really well and didn't casue any problems on the run. I would usually plan my walk breaks aroung the mile markers that I had planned send out the texts. I was surprised that I kept getting text messages from the people that I been texting.

It was just before the half way point and my hips were starting to ache. It was a nagging pain,but did not seem too serious. I got a big pick me up around mile 14 as Jill, the girls, Jill's dad, and Janene were there cheering me and the other runners on. It was great to see them. Arin and Rachael ran with me for a little bit, which was really great that they could participate a little with me.

Got a nice surprise right before the Stinson Field Airport as they had a sponsor set up there cheering us on and giving some snacks. I did not remember this little section in last years run. Just before Stinson Field I passed by a little road and relaize that they had changed the course a little and we did not have to go down this little road and back and the part that I did not remember from last year was new - YEAH.

It really started getting tough around mile 18. I started to get some cramping in my quads and had to slow down and walk for a bit. I was just trying to keep moving and hoping that the cramps would loosen up. After about 10 minutes or so the cramps were gone and I was able to start running again. The rest of the race was very difficult. It was definitely mind over body - willing myself to keep going.

I was of course keeping track of my time and I saw the potential finishing time continue to creep up and up. At about mile 23 or 24 I passed a girl that was asking some spectators if she could barrow thier phone. They asked her if she needed them to get her some medical attention and she sobbed "No, I need emotional support." I knew what she was talking about!!!

I finally reached the last little hill before the finish line. Although, this little hill no longer seemed little. It was HUGE!!! - I was determined to run up it as there were tons of people around cheering us on. It was really great. I made it up about 3/4 of the way and had to walk a little, but when I turned the corner and saw the finish line I found a little extra and was able to pick it up a little and finsh the race. I finished in 4 hours 33 minutes and 25 seconds. This was about 12 minutes faster than I finished the race last year. Woo Hoo!!!!

I could definitely tell a difference between how I felt after this years marathon compared to last years marathon. The last 6 miles or so were tough both years, but my knees did not hurt nearly as bad as they did last year.

May the Force be with you.
