Saturday, September 27, 2008

Another Long Run

Today I completed my 16 mile long run. This is the longest distance that I have run so far. I thought it went very well. I ran a 7+ mile loop twice so that I could swing back by the house and pick up another water. I finished up the last 1.2 mile in front of the house.

This course worked out really well. I was able to complete the run without walking. I was surprised at this as I had to walk a little on my 14 mile long run.

When I got to the end my hips and knees were a little bit sore. The soreness seemed to let up a little while I did my two mile cool down walk.

The 16 miles took me 2 hours and 55 minutes to complete which works out to be about a 10:57 min/mile pace. I went back and compared this to my pace when I did the 14 mile long run and found that I decreased my min/mile by 40 seconds. I was SHOCKED!!!! I certainly did not expect that kind of improvement in two weeks.

I have noticed that I am able to maintain a 10 min/mile pace on my shorter week day runs without much trouble. I looked back at my pace from July and saw that I was running almost 12 min/mile!!!

I hope that I can continue to improve over the next several weeks. I have two more long runs (18 mile and 20 miles)scheduled before the marathon. I hope to continue to see some more improvement.

May the Force be with you!!!


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