Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Running with ......

No it's not scissors!!! One of the positive aspects of running that I did not anticipate was that Arin would want to do some running with me. I don't recall exactly how it started, but usually once or twice a week we will go out for a quick run. We will usually run for 1 to miles and alternate between running and walking. Sometimes we will go for a bike ride around the neighborhood after the run.

We have only been running a handful of times, but I already can notice a difference in how far she can run without walking.

I am glad that she is enjoying this and hopefully this will help her to include regular exercise into her life.

There is a Kids Fun run that the local running group is putting on this weekend that Arin and I are thinking of going to. I will have more on the fun run in the next post.

May the force be with you!!!


1 comment:

MarathonChris said...

Cool, I love running with my kids!